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chrome 浏览器为什么不能自定义安装

经验与学习 2014/11/17 16:21:52  点击:不统计

 经常使用chrome浏览器,在之前的安装时不太注意安装位置和安装路径,后来发现C盘越来越少,原来chrome默认安装到c盘了。后来查询了一下 发现chrome 浏览器不能自定义安装路径,为什么不能自定义chrome安装路径?

一.首先看到我们安装的chrome浏览器会在 路径C:\Users\当前用户名\AppData\Local\Google 下
这里面有 当前的用户名目录,这个目录是你当前登录计算机用的用户,你对该文件夹有所有权限。
二 我们看官方的说明
We believe Google Chrome installation has been made really simple. Once you run the installer, there are no screens to jump through or confusing choices to make. Installation happens and you get a first run UI window letting you import your data from your existing default browser. Some people (especially those using Windows XP as opposed to Windows Vista) were confused by our choice to install in the user profile directory instead of Program Files. There are several reasons we chose the user profile directory:
1.Anyone can install Google Chrome, not just administrators.
1.每个人都可以按照chrome浏览器 不仅仅是管理员
2.On Windows Vista there are no 'security prompts' during install. If you are running as a non-elevated Administrator, you can still install Google Chrome without having to enter an administrator's password. However we still need to ask for a password to make Google Chrome the default browser due to how Windows Vista requires browser applications to be registered with it.
2.在window vista系统在整个安装过程没有安全提示,如果你是个非管理员 你也不用输入管理员密码就可以安装chrome浏览器。但是,如果想更改chrome为默认浏览器的话,仍然是需要管理员密码的。http://%77%77%77%2E%66%6F%72%61%73%70%2E%63%6E
3.You can choose to install or uninstall Google Chrome without affecting other people who use the same computer.
3.你可以安装和卸载chrome 浏览器而不影响其他人使用电脑。

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